vinayak bhagwat bangalore karnataka India

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Spectacular Spectrum , 3G and money

Imagine surfing the net with 256kbps speed and many more data related offers on ur mobile. even though we have such facility in 2G (second genaration) we have limitations. 3G makes it happen. The telecom operators in India are watching it .
Tatas offer of 1500cr for spectrum allocation and opposition by some other opearators is in news.
As the Titanic sunk 1912, people thought of regualtion of spectrum.
As spectrum is a scarce resource and one time fee which can fetch any where between 9000crore. but high one time entry fee coupled with annual licence fee may affect the end user. As Indian consumers are ( like me) price sensitive this may reduce the mobile phone penetration.
Why so much fuss about 3G ? GSM and CDMA players fighting bcz if u allocate spectrum GSM they will have first mover advantage and the same with respect to CDMA . As the price of handheld devices go down the demand for spectrum will increase. So wait and watch !!

Sunday, May 22, 2005


Some one said 'Happiness is state of mind' . and they are happy saying it. I thought happiness is something more than that ... can money and position makes me happy ? i think NO....can prolific writing makes me happy?
i think for some extent .....judas inside me makes me un happy? NO ....i dont like there presence.....
I heard, Richard Layards research on 'Happiness' is confluence of so many things ...
including 'self exaggeration of survival of fittest' to social isolation atomic life....i realy dont understand ...
on one side chaos and taos on other side.....out come of mea culpa ...result un happy....

Yes i am in search of happiness...

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Lets Hope prevail

I am under pressure .....cassandras inside saying that u r entering the hell..
and there is no way to escape from entering the hell.....and i want to be an optimist..........
i know my cells will grow everyday and my quest declines as my cells grow...but i cant help..
and i hope for some good things will happen and i hope destiny takes me to ......
i hope the exaggerated Darvinism makes me to think in all directions .....and it is so true..
and even i believe 'invisible hand' ( Adam smith's) theory ....

I know 'The road ahead' is thorny .... and even though i have foot wear ....i fear that it may
break down at any time .....i have to master the art of walking with precison ....
minor injuries doesn't matter... and i hope i will be successful...

Only Hope and hard work can save me........
Lets hope prevail....

Sunday, May 15, 2005


He said 'u have to take right move at right time' and adviced me to take the same path..
I am talking about one of my friend who changed his job second time within span of nearly
2 years... and he told me that he is looking at 'few more options' expecting
more money... and they call it 'attrition'... and they give all the statistics about labour turn over which is equal to the earlier tech boom days .....

Poaching is on big scale in many industies ....and IT/ITES tops the list... and many 'survey's
on this !! and they say money is the second thing and many people will quit because
they are looking for more 'challenges' ............

and when economy slowdowns ....

Monday, May 09, 2005

walk towards majestic..

Roaming around the avenue road on sundays is a pleasure to me soon as i get down near mysore bank i can hear those sounds 'hattu rupai(10rs),huttu rupai'...i will start looking those temporary sunday book heaps and start looking at the books ....some times rare catches for Rs10 ...then again move to next vendor ..
yesterday was not so fruitful..i thought i will buy best seller 'BLINK' but then dropped idea . let me finish those i have started ...

then from avenue road a walk towards majestic ...watching many serious as well as funny things and moving in between the floating population and scared .. ...bcz there was pushing by strong animals while moving, and i immedietly remembered Charles darvin..
and for me it was 'bharat darshan'....bcz i could hear hindi,kannada,tamil,telugu,marathi,punjabi,bangali and many other languages i couldn't recognise.....

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Why we hate flat structure ?

Yes , if u talk they say u have to be 'proactive' than 'reactive' ....if u compare with some thing else or someone better than the present thing they say u have "attitude problem"... if u try to became maverick
than they will make u to sit on 'bench'(techie lingo) .... whats happening ? i agree many behave like troglodytes even in information age and studying ''information tech'' or related things ....

'fresher' brand in many companies constitute major work force.. while recruiting they show fancy PPTs and 'catch them young ...." like statements , and once they enter then ur growth depends upon many factors ....many times as u feel something is wrong ...( i am talking abt desi biggies...not to mention any names) and u come to know that ur work is not recognised ....then u will try to 'adopt' the techniques ( like C.Y.A).... or quit and hop...

and crib ( like me) and grow older ...and our desi attitude ,if u have 'more experience' u think u have something that can change or disrupt the some ones path wrong assumption....

and life moves on..

Sunday, May 01, 2005

TV-B Gone

Yes , It was the last day of Turn Of Tv !! week in U.S. The 11th annual event came to an end on sunday.

According To Kaiser Family Foundation in U.S , which conducted surveys on televesion viewers is US , says that on average kids and adult watch TV for 3.4 hrs to 4 hrs a day.

So a NGO called TVTN( TV Turnoff Network) calls for TURN OF TV !! week every year. and last year they estimated that 7.2 million people participated in the event.

So It was a brisk business this time for Corn Field Electronics Inc . The Device named " TV-B-gone" is selling like hot cakes in U.S . An Electronics Engineer from San Francisco Mitch Altman is founder of Cornfield electronics. It took 2 years to invent the device.
TV-B Gone is a device which switchs off any TV within the range of 20 to 50 feet. and according to Cornfield electronics more than 50,000 TV-B-gone has been sold in US , and its cost is about 15$ per piece.
and TV-B-Gone is named as one of the best innovations of year 2004.
So was the popularity of "Turn off TV , Turn ON LIFE!!.