vinayak bhagwat bangalore karnataka India

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mr Greed , Graphs and Heart Ache!

Few drops of sweat on his forehead seem to be irritating him. Lying on the bed of that hospital, he was just looking up at the noisy rotating fan fan rotated.. so as his thoughts …His name was Mr Greed …
It was not a major health catastrophe, but what made him to become unconscious after looking at that piece of paper was something to be noted…
Even though Often hobnobbing with his middle aged friends over the Martini in a good hotel was indicator of his affluence, it was not the actual thing ….Mr Greed was from middle class ..and was often lured by talks on fast money ….even the thoughts of casinos were in his mind ….
‘I am not a spend thrift’….. Often Mr Greed said to himself only to console his mind over mounting credit bills ….each time his phone rang he thought of a credit agent who is ready to give him his peace of mind.
All the time he told to himself and sometimes to one of his close friend , that he wants to do something …in life ..we are heading towards a ‘consumerist society’.. he often murmured , observing people coming out of the posh shopping malls with hand full of goodies .

One fine day Mr Greed met this guy who introduced himself as Mr M . Mr M Always roamed with high end mobile and talked about money only in terms of lakhs of rupees. Both met and decided to have a coffee in a near by café . All Mr Greed did was to take the serious note …some of them were mental notes and some of them he jotted down on a paper .

Mr Greed’s face was brimming with new hopes and was bit confident too , ‘I would have thought this long back !’ he was murmuring and walked through the lane fast and told to himself “ god bless Mr M !!
Few days down the line Mr Greed was bit happy ..’I will repay all my debt and never fall to bad trap called debt again’ …he dreamed.. Things were happening well …But …….
As that dreaded day, Mr Greed thought it is just another happy day for him…..but time was ticking …Mr Greed and his friend were sitting with tea and discussing about a new movie …..
Suddenly Mr Greed got a call around 11 AM and as soon he got the call he screamed “what ? ..are u serious “ ??
Within a minute Mr Greed told to his friend “ oh ! no !! oh no !! my god !!” and fell down on chair …his friend was aghast ..He asked him what happened and he complained about chest pain ….his friend gave him glass of water and immediately drove him to a nearby hospital …
Mr Greed was conscious but he had heart ache ….he never told what exactly happened …to his friend ..
They were in a hospital and doctor gave him some injections and advised him for several medical tests ….Greed underwent those tests for few hours …and the test results indicated his heart is out of danger ..and that his heart is safe was a message told by a doctor to Mr Greed’d friend ..
And he was happy and went to room where Mr Greed was lying on the bed …and he told his heart is safe …and gave him papers and they were his medical reports ….

As curious Mr Greed opened that cover ….and he told loudly once again and …..”oh no ! my god “..he screamed and this time he fell unconscious! ….with paper in his hand slipping away..
His friend knew that the cover Mr Greed opened was the results of ECG ( electro cardio graph ) but he wondered what happened to him … ? can he understand ECG ….No… he is not a doctor… why did he fell unconscious ….and he ran to meet the doctor ......

Perhaps his friend never knew that Mr M gave Mr Greed advice to invest in stock market to make quick money and he raised more debts to repay of his mounting debts ….and the ECG reminded him the nasty Graphs of falling Sensex !!


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