vinayak bhagwat bangalore karnataka India

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Now I Know she never comes Back …..a true story !!

I wrote this for a chronicle .. all rants and raves are welcome!


It’s all started three and a half years back. Indeed it was a long journey with her. She looked slim, even though not so sophisticated for the time, but what attracted me was that her unique look and her affable nature ... and her canorous way of calling me and waking me up ! .

As time passed she became my best buddy. She shared all my happiest moments and can
never forget to say that she was there for me to share my emotions too . Yes indeed I thought reverence to life was only because of her presence. I used to wonder how vibrant can any one’slife be in such a short span of time …

As the year passed, it was still a good journey, as always I enjoyed the journey with her. I moved to the city where I stay now and she accompanied me through-out my journey.

It is not that I was always happy with her presence, sometimes due to her presence life was so frustrating ….. She was responsible for many embarrassments too.... But the association still continued…

To my surprise it was a quite a long association, more than 2 years, until one day I found out she was ill. Ill to such an extent that she could not speak. How can I explain to any one the agony of those 8 days when she underwent major surgery, I thought she is so fragile. It was only after 8 days she was back in form … life was beautiful once again ☺

Journey continued with joy once again. But little did I know that the days were counting
down ...I was on cloud number 9 !!!

Then came that dredful dAy ......

It was raining heavily. Even though I cannot say it was a cloudburst, but the intensity of rain was something un- imaginable. I was about to travel for about 400 KM and had her company with me she as usual.

Little into the journey my sixth sense was telling me something will go wrong, but as once again I just ignored it as it was festive season I went out for shopping!

It was raining, it was an amazing downpour, and I reached a place which was crowded even on that rainy day. It was a market with a crowd and fragrance of flower and fruit. I got down at the market and walked a bit, say 40 feet, and then came the shock - I was awash - she was missing....

Quickly I realized I lost her, what a jolt …. I was quick enough to go back and check for her presence ….when I called out to her … I could hear her voice/cry for some time … but not longer .....

My only fear was that she might have landed in the hands of some ruthless criminals …..But
all my efforts to trace her failed.

I lost her forever......

I had to move on though, hence to get a NEW ONE – I had to file an FIR a missing person report – and on doing so – I have now moved on in life and settled down in life
with my new found love – N72 ….. She’s from Finland much like the love I lost – her name was 3210 she was also from Finland but born and brought up in India !!

Third innings !

This is my third innings on this blog !

But his time i will be active ..and decided to write at least once in a week!

Hope prevails !