vinayak bhagwat bangalore karnataka India

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Shock from Mr Mathew

It was one fine day of month march . I was waiting for
the konkan rail which goes from Mangalore to Goa. I was eager
to go GOA. The banners for campaigns like 'Go Goa on 365 days a holiday'
were visible every where. I was thrilled.....

So waiting for the train kumta railway station ..yawning and after
some times some phirnags with huge bags came...

one guy started asking me where is 'patgol' station....i was staring at him...
...and told dont know ...
then i came to know that he was asking for ' petrol bunk '.... a typical israilian ....

finally the train came...there was huge rush for seats....

i ran and finally was successful getting in ....finally got a seat...

there were few people ...i saw evangalists were reading bible...

then i looked at the person who was sitting next to me...he was looking
very gentle and was reading
india today... he stared at me...and smiled was not a
sanctimonious smile was natural...i thought he will start conversation...i
had the latest issue of 'businessworld' with me..
and started reading .read for half an hour and finished few articles...
then i remember i had potato chips and tea...

then the gentlemen next to me told me he want to read 'business world'...
then i said ok...then he started asking questions to me

'what r u doing'? i told him i am studying engineering ...then he asked me
why do u study businessworld? i told him it is my hobby....
then he said ok...then he asked me, u want to do ur MBA? i told 'may be'..
he was clever and never gave me an opportunity to shoot questions...

and i started...i told him that IIMs where ultimate and they are simply great...
i also told him they get huge pacages and are very smart people...
i keep on bluffing and he was listening...

then came the MARGOa railway station...he returned my businessworld...
and i helped him getting down bcz he had huge luggages...

finally that moment came...i asked his name he shooked my hand gently
and itroduced him self ... " I am Mr Mathew final sem student in IIM-C'

i was lost....


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